Sunday, October 9, 2011

New day says: Its time to Shimmy!

Yes it is MONDAY ! A new day, a new week ! 

I like mornings for a simple reason, you can start yourself fresh in any given thing ! So its always exciting how would you start on with your day. Questioning yourself is crucial. Are feeling fat lately? Are you thinking of your new project? Are you planning a holiday? Do you feel like working today? Or you woke up with "Oh no its Monday-blues"...? HOW DO YOU FEEL?
I would repeat again "Its always exciting how you would start on your day" Yes, it really matters. No matter whatever you do whole day, how mechanically you do it but your morning must be given a thought. Or rather consciously planned.

Wake up, have a smile on your face ( yes yes , i know you have heard this many times, but how often do you consciously do it?),  put on some music(some catchy tunes, meditative ones, whatever works ), dont like music in early morning? do some stretching, have some good cup of tea, read a news paper, do anything you feel is worth your time and energy, do you like planning your day?Does that makes you motivated? Hell then, do it !! Or you just like going with the flow? ..then let your flow...:) 

Just remember, no two days are alike; so dont think of bad day you had. Dont let the blues of yesterday overpower today's wonderful plan. Throw it into your dustbin and start fresh. You cant always be sad or happy. Little bit of change is always spicy, isnt it? ;) So what most importantly matters is keep on trying to be happy and know what you are becoming day by day ! I guess that does it all ! Simple? So am holding on to it since like years and am going pretty well ! :)

Since I have become so lazy lately and hogging like a pig, today I thought I would start over with my workouts again to feel bit more energetic and happy. Yes sweating makes me happy. And to add on more, music works wonders ! That sweat dances with me as well ! hell with those fats, I dont care if they cry. ;) And am feeling like a super-human again... :p
For thousands of years women from the cradle of civilization have maintained their beauty and explored their sensuality with the ancient practice of belly dance. This series — designed by Kim Pechet, a belly dance instructor and fitness professional — brings the secrets of this exotic practice to women all over the world.

Today my workout consisted of somewhat stretching followed by 23 minutes of belly workout. Trust me it feels ecstatic to burn that fat with music and sensual workout!  It truly inspires you to have typical belly-dancer's body. They look like goddesses doing strenuous steps so easily while smiling all the way through! Isnt that great if you could be that way? I wish I had that body, I would keep on smiling whenever and however asked !  Me with my girlfriends used to have lotf fun practicing these belly dance moves, but now im making it my fitness regime. Nothing better than that, trust me. So here I am with the downloaded videos of the show Shimmy. 

Heres the official site 

So lets Shimmy !!!

p.s.The videos can be downloaded from torrent as well as you tube.

1 comment:

  1. hello, thanks for the kind comments, will reply soon! :)


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